Patient Centered Medical Homes
Provider-Led Teams, Centered on You
The Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) – one of modern health care’s most import innovations – is a model of care that emphasizes care coordination and communication to transform primary care into “what patients want it to be.” The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) PCMH Recognition is the most widely-adopted model for transforming primary care practices into medical homes.
With Patient Centered Medical Homes, patients choose a provider and are assigned to a care team. This care team is trained to provide comprehensive and coordinated care to each patient.
Clinicians, insurers, purchasers, consumer groups and others know the patient-centered medical home is a proven alternative to the nation’s costly, fragmented delivery system. Research confirms that medical homes can lead to higher quality and lower costs and can improve patient and provider experiences of care. For more information on PCMH or NCQA, visit
Medical Home Responsibilities
How does this affect me as a patient?
Cumberland Family Medical Center, Inc. is responsible for coordinating patient care across multiple settings:
- Referral tracking for specialized care and timely follow up with provider
- Lab/diagnostic tracking to ensure test results are communicated to patient with timely follow up by provider
Cumberland Family Medical Center, Inc. provides comprehensive care incorporating evidence based care and self –management support.
- Providers are board certified and utilize evidence based medical treatments for chronic diseases (such as diabetes and hypertension) and unhealthy behaviors
- Patients are included in the care team. Providers and supporting staff encourage patient self-management of chronic diseases, unhealthy behaviors, and disease prevention
How do I best utilize my Patient Centered Medical Home?
- Provide a complete medical and social history at your initial visit and update your history when applicable
- Be sure to inform your care team about any care obtained outside of the practice so that they can provide the most comprehensive care possible
- Utilize our self-management support system to place yourself at the center of your healthcare
Cumberland Family Medical Center, Inc. is committed to providing the highest quality care for its patients and their families.
We value patient feedback regarding their experiences in the clinics. Please share any suggestions, concerns, or comments by clicking The feedback you provide is confidential and our Quality Department will address your comments during their monthly quality meeting.
For more information about our PCMH endeavors, contact our Director of Nursing, Megan McMillin (PH: 270-384-0123 or
- View a map of Cumberland Family Medical Center locations